Stand: F06
  • | Education
  • | Professional Services

The Veterinary Information Network, since 1991, is the first and best online community and information resource for veterinarians. As a VIN member, you never have to go it alone. VIN has the resources, information, and tools to grow personally and professionally.

Much more than the sum of its features, VIN provides something no other organization or service has been able to. Simply stated, VIN:

  • Brings together veterinarians “worldwide” as colleagues
  • Provides instant access to vast amounts of up-to-date veterinary information
  • Gives instant access to “breaking news” affecting veterinarians, their patients, and their practice
  • Connects veterinarians to colleagues with specialized knowledge and skills
  • Empowers our profession through the sharing of knowledge and ideas

 “VIN is more than a website, it is a community of colleagues.”

Try it FREE for one month.

Visit A11 to learn more or join now at 

The VIN consultant team — 280+ of the most dedicated and talented leaders in veterinary medicine, monitor and facilitate discussions that teach all VINners to be better clinicians while helping you manage your cases.


777 W. Covell Blvd
United States
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London Vet Show

14 - 15 November 2024

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25 - 26 October 2024

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7 - 8 November 2024

Deutsche Vet

7 - 8 June 2024

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