24 Mar 2020

When things get tough, grab a cuppa and a good read

When things get tough, grab a cuppa and a good read

Dear all,

As we find ourselves faced with unprecedented global developments, we are seeing local and global communities coming together in an equally unprecedented way.

This level of global connectivity, information sharing, and international support is what we stand for at Singapore Vet and our Vet Show portfolio shows around the world.

So, today, we wanted to simply bring you some interesting articles, from near and far, to spark discussion, virtual conversation and camaraderie over the coming days. We recommend you grab a cuppa, and settle down for a quick read.

1. This interesting article from Zoological Society of London puts an interesting spotlight on how greater investment in wildlife health research could be paramount to safeguarding ourselves against future pandemics from ‘zoonotic diseases’ 

2. For our local vet community here in Singapore, our Association Partner, the Singapore Veterinary Association has published this official statement about COVID-19 and companion animals. There’s lots of useful links in here, so wherever you are, do take a read.

3. Lastly, with this blog we ask "Social distancing and veterinary medicine, are they compatible?" Hint - there’s a really handy list of ideas you can implement! 

Do forward these articles, or share on LinkedIn with any colleagues that these may benefit. If nothing else, we have learnt that sharing international best practices with ease and rapidity is a game-changer in producing the best results for our communities.

And we believe our pets and their vets are at the very heart of those communities.

Until we get to meet in person in October, I look forward to staying virtually connected.

Kind regards,
Sarah Netherway
Event Director, Singapore Vet

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