Adverse drug reactions – Stephen Page, Advanced Veterinary Therapeutics
Approach to haemoabdomen and surgical tips for performing a safe and efficient splenectomy – Vicky Lipscomb, Royal Veterinary College London
Can I save that eye? Managing ocular emergencies in general practice – Gladys Boo, The Eye Specialist for Animals
FAST track to diagnostic success - Point-of-care ultrasound in practice – Claire Sharp & Corrin Boyd, Murdoch University, Western Australia
Interpreting the numbers: Why azotaemia and dilute urine does not always = renal failure – Jill Maddison, Royal Veterinary College London
Leaking enterectomies – prevention is better than cure! – Vicky Lipscomb, Royal Veterinary College London
Making the most of your exploratory laparotomy (avoiding the “peek and shriek”) – Vicky Lipscomb, Royal Veterinary College London
Medical Mystery Tour – David Church, Royal Veterinary College London
Parasiticide resistance – Stephen Page, Advanced Veterinary Therapeutics & Jill Maddison, Royal Veterinary College London
Principles of traumatic and surgical wound management and reconstruction – Vicky Lipscomb, Royal Veterinary College London
Problematic parasites – does geography (and climate change!) change our priorities? – Peter Irwin, Emeritus Professor, University of Murdoch
Staying alive - Update on the 2024 RECOVER guidelines – Claire Sharp & Corrin Boyd, Murdoch University, Western Australia
The kidneys are not tiny toilets you can flush – approach to nephrotoxin exposure – Claire Sharp & Corrin Boyd, Murdoch University, Western Australia
The opaque eye 1: corneal causes, consequences and treatment options – Gladys Boo, The Eye Specialist for Animals
The opaque eye 2: intraocular causes, consequences and treatment options – Gladys Boo, The Eye Specialist for Animals
The other fluids on shelf – fluid therapy beyond lactated Ringer’s – Claire Sharp, Murdoch University, Western Australia
They are how they live and eat: common husbandry and dietary mistakes in exotic animal husbandry and how they can be solved – Shangzhe Xie, Wildlife Reserves Singapore Department of Conservation & Rina Maguire, Research and Veterinary Services at Beecroft Animal Specialist Services
What I have learned in the past 5 years - a report from the frontline – Hubert Hiemstra, VetVault
What’s new in ECC – the year in review – Claire Sharp & Corrin Boyd, Murdoch University, Western Australia
Where have all the red cells gone? Diagnostic approach to anaemia in the Australasian and Asian regions – Peter Irwin, Emeritus Professor, University of Murdoch